Performance optimization of your bearings

Cobber tribofilm show excellent friction reducing properties, with low activation energy 

WHY Nanol

Why we say ‘Less is more"

We believe that our additive formula will become a key technology in the global lubricants market.

Because the less fuel we consume, the less harmful emissions we produce, and the less we need to repair and replace engines and equipment – the more our businesses and the world we live in have to gain.

  • Less friction– improving engine performance, reducing fuel consumption by up to 5%, and lessening environmental impact

  • Less wear– Nanol’s self-repairing protective nano-layer cuts wear and prolongs the lifetime of components, thus extending maintenance cycles and reducing maintenance costs.

  • Less consumption– reducing global fuel consumption and emissions through the use of our revolutionary additive in lubrication oils promises very high financial and environmental rewards.

  • Less emissions– ships consume about 15% of world transport fuels, and new IMO requirements increase the pressure to cut emissions. We have started our rollout by focusing on marine diesel engines.

  • For lubricants– we believe that our additive formula will become a key technology in the $70-90 billion global lubricants product market

Unique nano-technology

Every lubricant oil consists of a base oil and a mixture of additives that improve the characteristics and performance of the oil. Proportions are typically 70-80% base oil and 20-30% additives. Each additive is selected for its ability to perform one or more specific functions in combination with the others.

Nanol®is an additive that reduces friction and improves the anti-wear characteristics of lubricant oil.

It enhances engine performance and energy efficiency, lessens wear and improves heat transfer from the friction zone.

Fuel and lubricant consumption are cut, and harmful emissions reduced.

A dual-function additive based on proprietary technology, Nanol contains both a friction modifier and an anti-wear component. Its functionality is based on a tribo-chemical synthetic molecular mechanism that applies a precise quantity of perfectly distributed copper ions as a self-repairing protective copper-organic compound (COC) nano-film onto metal friction surfaces. This nano-layer has plastic flow properties, reducing energy losses, and preventing hydrogen wear and corrosion.

The unique properties of Nanol protect moving parts, extend service intervals, and prolong equipment and lubricating oil lifetimes. It performs well in both large and small engines, as well as for other lubricant applications where heavy friction occurs. Only 0.3% of Nanol is required to obtain the desired effect.
